Immunohistochemical evaluation of pleural mesothelioma and pulmonary adenocarcinoma. A bi-institutional study of 47 cases

June 1, 1987 |

The American Journal of Surgerical Pathology. 1987 Jun;11(6):445-56. [Link] Otis CN, Carter D, Cole S, Battifora H. Abstract Pleural mesotheliomas and peripheral pulmonary adenocarcinomas were evaluated by immunohistochemistry at two…

The diagnostic distinction between malignant mesothelioma of the pleura and adenocarcinoma of the lung as defined by a monoclonal antibody

February 1, 1986 |

The American Journal of Pathology. 1986 Feb;122(2):252-60. [Link] Szpak CA, Johnston WW, Roggli V, Kolbeck J, Lottich SC, Vollmer R, Thor A, Schlom J. Abstract The correct distinction between malignant…
