Recurrent pneumothorax as alone manifestation of mesothelioma pleurae

Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska. 2005;73(3):281-4. [Link]

Fijolek J, Wiatr E, Langfort R, Gawryluk D, Usiekniewicz J, Caban P, Orlowski TM, Szczepulska E, Opoka M, Malek G, Bestry I, Kazimierz-Sliz R.

III Klinika Chorob Pluc, Warszawie.


Malignant mesothelioma of the pleura is a rare neoplasm with a poor prognosis. The most often symptoms of this disease are dyspnoe and chest wall pain, which is often associated with pleural effusion. We present 35-years old woman with 5 epizodes of pneumothorax during 3 years (4 of right side and 1-bilateral) in whom bilateral pleurodesis was performed. Specimens of lung and pleurae were examinated. Result of microscopic and immunohistochemical examination was: mesothelioma epithelioides pleurae (mesothelium +, calretyninaa +, EMA+ membrane reaction, desmine +/-).