Soluble Mesothelin Related Protein (SMRP) in an Asbestos Exposed Population

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.. 2008 Jun 26. [Epub ahead of print] [Link]

Park EK, Sandrini A, Yates DH, Thomas PS, Creaney J, Robinson BW, Johnson AR.

Research and Education Unit, Dust Diseases Board, Sydney, NSW, Australia.


Rationale: Soluble mesothelin related protein (SMRP) is raised in epithelial type malignant mesothelioma (MM), but the utility of SMRP in screening for MM is unknown.

Objectives: We aimed to evaluate SMRP in asbestos exposed subjects.

Methods: 538 subjects were studied. Those with elevated SMRP (≥ 2.5nM) underwent further investigation including positron-emission tomography/computed tomography.

Measurements and Main Results: Mean (± SD) SMRP in healthy subjects exposed to asbestos (n=223) was 0.79 (± 0.45) nM. 15 subjects had elevated SMRP, of whom one had lung cancer which was successfully resected. Another with lung cancer was undetected by SMRP. No subjects were diagnosed with MM. Mean SMRP in healthy subjects was significantly lower than in subjects with PPs (p<0.01).

Conclusions: This is the first large scale prospective study of SMRP for screening for malignancy in asbestos-exposed individuals. A high false positive rate was observed. SMRP seems unlikely to prove useful in screening for MM.

Keywords: soluble mesothelin related protein, mesothelioma, asbestos-related disorders, diagnostic accuracy, screening