Management of malignant pleural mesothelioma

Clinics in Chest Medicine. 2006 Jun;27(2):335-54. [Link]

Sophie D. West, MBChB, MRCPa, Y.C. Gary Lee, MBChB, PhD, FCCP, FRACPab

aOxford Centre for Respiratory Medicine, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, UK
bCentre for Respiratory Research, University College London, London, UK


Malignant mesothelioma is increasing in incidence globally and has no known cure. Its unique clinical feature of local infiltration along tissue planes makes it a difficult neoplasm to manage. There have been few randomized controlled trials regarding treatment options, although these have increased in recent years, and results are eagerly awaited. This article summarizes important advances in the management of mesothelioma, especially diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.