Exposition to asbestos dust in agricultural environment. Some significant exposure forms documented by the Hospital Unit of Occupational Medicine of Hospital Institute of Cremona

Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia. 2007 Jul-Sep;29(3 Suppl):349-50. [Link]

Somenzi V, Lattarini M.

Unità Ospedaliera di Medicina del Lavoro, Istituti Ospitalieri di Cremona. v.somenzi@ospedale.cremona.it


Although it is difficult to document the exposition to asbestos in the agricultural workers, mesotelioma has however been noticed in the rural environment that may seem to have low risk because of its nature. This work describes the systematic diffusion of asbestos dust in the rural environment near Cremona due to the activity of "non-agricultural" workers who have fallen ill with mesothelioma. The patient described their work in details to the occupational medical doctor underlining the circumstances and the ways asbestos dust has been diffused in the rural environment. These ways were carefully analysed by the occupational medical doctor. They explain the onset of the mesothelioma in patients and they prove a systematic and long contamination of the involved rural areas. The described diffusion of dust has probably provoked a noteworthy exposure to the agricultural workers. At the moment there aren’t full-blown asbestos-linked pathology but these workers are potentially at risk of getting them. So it has an importance both on individual and global level for the rural area near Cremona.