Determination of environmental exposure to asbestos (tremolite) and mesothelioma risks in the southeastern region of Turkey

Archives of Environmental Health. 2004 Dec;59(12):658-62. [Link]

Senyigit A, Dalgic A, Kavak O, Tanrikulu AC.

Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Chest Diseases, Diyarbakir, Turkey.


In this study, the authors examined the concentrations and mineralogical analyses of asbestos, and investigated mesothelioma risk in southeastern Anatolia, Turkey. They used a gravimetric dust sampler to collect samples from 2 villages and 2 asbestos mines (1 active). Samples were then evaluated by an X-ray diffractometer and an electron microscope. The authors found high concentrations of asbestos in an active mine (4.9 fibers[f]/cm3) and at a house that was plastered with asbestos (1.24 f/cm3) and had a very active population. They found a low concentration (0.0042 f/cm3) in indoor measurements taken in Armutova village, and an even lower concentration (0.000081 f/cm3) in the inactive mine environment. Outdoor measurements included a low concentration of 0.007 f/cm3 in the village environment, and a high concentration of 1.17 f/cm3 on the mine road during the passing of a sheep herd. The people in the region are continuously exposed to asbestos during normal activities. This cumulative exposure to asbestos carries sufficient risks for mesothelioma development.