Canine cardiac mesothelioma with granular cell morphology
Veterinary Pathology. 2006 May;43(3):384-7. [Link]
Brower A, Herold LV, Kirby BM.
Department of Pathobiological Sciences, University of Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital and Wisconsin, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, 6101 Mineral Point Rd, Madison, WI, 53705, USA.
Cardiac mesothelioma with granular cell features was diagnosed in a 10-year-old Golden Retriever presenting with pericardial and abdominal effusions. The diagnosis was based on gross, morphologic, and immunohistochemical features. The immunohistochemical profile of the neoplasm was pancytokeratin positive, vimentin positive, and S-100 negative; most gross and morphologic features were consistent with both mesothelioma and granular cell tumor. To the authors’ knowledge, the prognosis for either primary cardiac mesothelioma or granular cell tumor in the dog is unknown. At 4 months after thoracotomy, pericardectomy, and mass excision, this dog was alive and without clinical evidence of pericardial or abdominal effusions. We describe a granular morphologic variant of cardiac mesothelioma in a dog.
Keywords: Canine; granular cell tumor; heart; mesothelioma.