Peritoneal malignant mesothelioma: case report

Il Giornale Di Chirurgia. 2007 Nov-Dec;28(11-12):435-8. [Link]

Tenaglia L, Proietti L, Calì S, Trovato S, Accurso N, Di Stefano C, Catania G.


Our study reports peritoneal diffuse malignant mesothelioma (DMM) in a 43 years old male patient, with no exposure to the asbestos in his medical history; the partner of patient was also not exposed to asbestos. The exposure to X-rays was also excluded. Different pathogenic mechanisms for the pathogenesis of a peritoneal diffuse malignant mesothelioma in this patient can be hypothesized, for example, SV40 infection and genetic susceptibility; a minimal domestic exposure to asbestos can be not excluded. Therefore, further studies in a more large number of subjects are necessary to determine whether one or all of these hypothetic pathogenic mechanisms are more significant for the develop of malignant mesothelioma.