Clear cell mesothelioma of the testis with deciduoid areas–a case report
Indian Journal of Pathological Microbiology. 2004 Oct;47(4):544-6. [Link]
Mishra A, Shet T.
Department of Pathology, Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai Maharashtra.
We report a clear cell type of primary purely epithelial malignant mesothelioma with focal deciduoid features in the para-testis of a 75 year old man. This variant requires ancillary studies like immunohistochemistry for confirmation. Awareness of this variant is required to avoid misdiagnosis and treatment as either metastasis from a renal cell carcinoma or as a germ cell tumor. A diagnosis of mesothelioma must be ruled out in elderly patients with epithelial-looking tumor especially if the serum germ cell tumor markers are within normal range.