Asbestos exposure causes mesothelioma, but not this asbestos exposure: an amicus brief to the Michigan Supreme Court

International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 2007 Jul-Sep;13(3):318-27. [Link]

Welch LS.

Center to Protect Workers Rights, 8484 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA.


Manufacturers of asbestos brakes, supported by many manufacturing and insurance industry amicus curie, requested the Michigan Supreme Court to dismiss testimony of an expert regarding the ability of asbestos dust from brakes to cause mesothelioma as “junk science”. Scientists are concerned with the sweeping and unequivocal claims that any conclusion that asbestos from brakes caused a signature asbestos-related disease in a particular person must be “junk science”. The manufacturers’ sweeping pronouncements are what veer from accepted, reliable mainstream scientific methods and conclusions. This article outlines the evidence supporting the conclusion that asbestos from brakes can and does cause mesothelioma, and describes the defendants’ attempts to fabricate doubt about this conclusion.