Investigation of the appropriate viscosity of fibrinogen in repairing pleural defects using ventilation and anchoring in an ex vivo pig model
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2024 March 21 [Link]
Akihiro Fukuda, Masaki Hashimoto, Yoshitaka Takegawa, Nobuyuki Kondo, Seiki Hasegawa
Objective: Our previous study revealed that the viscosity of fibrinogen could influence the effectiveness of ventilation and anchoring (V/A) methods for controlling air leakages. Here, we examined the association between the viscosity of fibrinogen and effectiveness using an ex vivo pig model.
Methods: The fibrin glue used in this study was BOLHEALĀ® (KM Biologics Co., Ltd., Kumamoto, Japan). We prepared three types of fibrinogen with different viscosities (higher and lower than normal), including one without additives. Using an ex vivo pig model, a pleural defect was made, and the defect was repaired using three different viscosities of fibrinogen through the V/A method. We measured the rupture pressure at the repair site (N = 10) and histologically evaluated the depth of fibrin infiltration into the lung parenchyma at the repair sites.
Results: The median rupture pressure was 51.5 (40-73) cmH2O in Group 1 (lower viscosity), 47.0 (47-88) cmH2O in Group 2 (no change in viscosity), and 35.5 (25-61) cmH2O in Group 3 (higher viscosity). There was no statistically significant difference between Groups 1 and 2 (p = 0.819), but the rupture pressure was significantly higher in Group 2 than in Group 3 (p = 0.0136). Histological evaluation revealed deep infiltration of fibrin into the lung parenchyma in Groups 1 and 2, but no such infiltration was observed in the higher-viscosity group.
Conclusions: The results of this experiment suggested that the V/A method using fibrin glue containing low-viscosity fibrinogen was more effective in controlling air leakage due to pleural defects.